Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 62, Issue 5, 2012

62(5), 2012

Letter to the Editor

Cricoid pressure, can it still be done? Fabiano Timbó Barbosa Letter to the Editor
Is there a recommendation for safety in the practice of regional anesthesia? Fabiano Timbó Barbosa Letter to the Editor

Scientific Article
Pain management at inpatient wards of a university hospital Sonia B. Felix Ribeiro; João Carlos Pizani Pinto; João Batista Ribeiro; Márcia M. Santos Felix; Sabrina Martins Barroso; Lucas Felix de Oliveira; Andreza A. Felix; Valdênia das Graças Nascimento; Matheus F. Felix Ribeiro; Fátima A. Emm Faleiros Sousa Scientific Article
Epidemiological and occupational profile of anesthesiologists practicing in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - Brazil, in 2010 Bárbara Silva Neves; Tarcísio Márcio Magalhães Pinheiro Scientific Article
Effects of preoperative sublingual misoprostol on uterine tone during isoflurane anesthesia for cesarean section Mohamed R. El Tahan; Osama M. Warda; Amal Rashad; Amr M. Yasseen; Eiad A. Ramzy; Mona S. Ahmady; Douaa G. Diab; Mohamed K. Matter Scientific Article
Transesophageal echocardiography in anesthesiology: characterization of use profile in a tertiary hospital Alexander Alves da Silva; Arthur Segurado; Pedro Paulo Kimachi; Enis Donizete Silva; Fernando Goehler; Fabio Gregory; Claudia Simões Scientific Article
Reducing the concentration to 0.4% enantiomeric excess hyperbaric levobupivacaine (S75: R25) provides unilateral spinal anesthesia: study with different volumes Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni; Marildo A. Gouveia; Antonio Fernando Carneiro; Renata Grigorio Scientific Article
Analgesic efficacy of the intra-articular administration of S(+)- ketamine in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty Hireno Guará Sobrinho; João Batista Santos Garcia; José Wanderley Vasconcelos; José Carlos Amaral Sousa; Letácio Santos Garcia Ferro Scientific Article
Lipid therapy with two agents in ropivacaine-induced toxicity: experimental study in swine Matheus Rodrigues Bonfim; Marcos De Simone Melo; Elisabeth Dreyer; Luís Fernando Affini Borsoi; Thales Gê de Oliveira; Artur Udelsmann Scientific Article
Influence of pleural drain insertion in lung function of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting Irinea Beatriz Carvalho Ozelami Vieira; Fabiano F. Vieira; João Abrão; Ada Clarice Gastaldi Scientific Article

Review Article
Opioids and the immune system: clinical relevance João Batista Santos Garcia; Mirlane Guimarães de Melo Cardoso; Maria Cristina Dos-Santos Review Article
Regional analgesia in intensive care Luísa Guedes; Helena Rebelo; Raquel Oliveira; Aida Neves Review Article

Clinical Information
Retropharyngeal hematoma secondary to minor blunt neck trauma: case report Ahmet Can Senel; Abdul Kadir Gunduz Clinical Information
Airtraq® optical laryngoscope for tracheal intubation in a patient with giant lipoma at the nape: a case report Qazi Ehsan Ali; Obaid Ahmed Siddiqui; Syed Hussain Amir; Abdulla Zoheb Azhar; Kashif Ali Clinical Information
Pneumothorax post brachial plexus block guided by ultrasound: a case report Beatriz L. S. Mandim; Rodrigo R Alves; Rodrigo Almeida; João Paulo J. Pontes; Lorena J. Arantes; Fabíola P. Morais Clinical Information

Braz J Anesthesiol

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