Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 70, Issue 1, 2020

70(1), 2020

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Patient 4.0 - The challenge of care for elderly patients Maria José Carvalho Carmona, Cláudia Marquez Simões, Editorial

Scientific Article
The very elderly surgical population in a critically ill scenario: clinical characteristics and outcomes Diana de Jesus Neves Silva, Luís Guilherme Galego Casimiro, Mónica Isabel Sequeira de Oliveira, Luciana Brás da Cunha Ferreira, Fernando José Pereira Alves Abelha Scientific Article
Subjective method for tracheal tube cuff inflation: performance of anesthesiology residents and staff anesthesiologists. Prospective observational study Nadia Maria da Conceição Duarte, Ana Maria Menezes Caetano, Gustavo de Oliveira Arouca, Andrea Tavares Ferrreira, José Luiz de Figueiredo Scientific Article
Efficacy of ultrasound guided suprascapular block in patients with chronic shoulder pain: observational, retrospective study Nuno Sá Malheiro, Nuno Ricardo Afonso, Diamantino Pereira, Belinda Oliveira, Carmélia Ferreira, Ana Cristina Cunha Scientific Article
Comparison between erector spinal plane block and epidural block techniques for postoperative analgesia in open cholecystectomies: a randomized clinical trial Thiago Mamoru Sakae, Luiz Henrique Ide Yamauchi, Augusto Key Karazawa Takaschima, Julio C Brandão, Roberto Henrique Benedetti Scientific Article
Short term olfactory memory and olfactory function after inhalation anesthetic agents: a randomized clinical trial Huseyin Sari, Yavuz Atar, Tarkan Mingir, Tolgar Lutfi Kumral, Muhammed Fatih Akgun, Esmail Abdulahi Ahmed, Imran Aydogdu, Ziya Salturk, Guler Berkiten, Yavuz Uyar Scientific Article
Effectiveness of magnesium sulfate compared to rocuronium for rapid sequence tracheal intubation in adults: clinical randomized trial Fabiano Timbo Barbosa, Olavo Barbosa de Oliveira Neto, Luciano ´ Timbo Barbosa, Raul Ribeiro de Andrade, ´ Eurica Ad ˆ elia Nogueira ´ Ribeiro, Celio Fernando de Sousa Rodrigues Scientific Article

Case Report
Peri-operative management of a pregnant patient with hereditary angioedema submitted to a cesarean-section: case report Teresa Maria Ramos Nunes Estevens, Angel Serrano, Solange Amaro, João Ribeiro Case Report
Anesthesia for a cesarean section on a pregnant patient with Cockayne syndrome: case report Viviane Barrada Ribeiro, Leonardo Teixeira Ribeiro Alonso de Faria, Roberta de Lima Machado, Bruno Mendonça Barcellos, Marco Antonio Cardoso de Resende, Rogério Luiz da Rocha Videira Case Report
Management of a bi-caval dual lumen cannula clot obstruction after TEE guided diagnosis: a case-report Raffael Pereira Cezar Zamper, Daniel Bainbridge, Dave Nagpal, Satoru Fujii Case Report

Clinical Information
The multidisciplinary challenge of anesthesia for ex utero intrapartum treatment: a case report Alexandre Caldeira, Jânia Pacheco, Sofia Fernandes, Filipa Lança Clinical Information
Inadvertent epidural ampicillin administration during labor: case report Petra Alves, Virgínia Antunes, Adriana Rodrigues, Carla Hipólito, Graça Horta Clinical Information
Ropivacaine withdrawal syndrome: a case report Dmitriy Viderman, Ivan Portnyagin, Philip la Fleur, Federico Bilotta Clinical Information
Hemicorporectomy anesthesia: case report Cynthia de Oliveira Rego, Rose Betânia Feio Costa, Bruno Mendes Carmona Clinical Information

Letter to the Editor
In reply to “Anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a patient with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome”: a mini case series in our institution Gian Luigi Gonnella, Pietro Paolo Giuri, Salvatore De Martino, Luciano Frassanito, Gaetano Draisci Letter to the Editor
Reply to the letter to the editor – anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a patient with Klippel‐Trenaunay syndrome Clara Elisa Frare de Avelar Teixeira, Angélica de Fátima de Assunção Braga, Franklin Sarmento da Silva Braga, Vanessa Henriques Carvalho, Rafael Miranda da Costa, Giselle Ioná Teixeira Brighenti Letter to the Editor
Nasal fiberoptic intubation: what “red out”? Anthony M.-H. Ho, Glenio B. Mizubuti Letter to the Editor
Neuraxial labor analgesia: a literature review: a letter to the editor Reza Aminnejad Letter to the Editor

Braz J Anesthesiol

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