Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 36, Issue 4, 1986

36(4), 1986


Scientific Article

Pharmacokinetics of bupivacaine in epidural anesthesia for cesarean section: 3. Comparative study of 0.5% and 0.75% solutions. Cremonesi E. Scientific Article
lnterscalenic block of the brachial plexus in children. Carvalho J.C.A., Mathias R.S., Senra W.G., Santos S.R.C.J., Gomide Amaral R.V. Scientific Article
Endocrine and metabolic effects of etomidate. Carvalho J.C.A, Mathias R.S., Senra W.G., Santos S.R.C.J., Gomide Amaral R.V. Scientific Article
Prophylactic use of metoclopramide for contrai of nausea and vomiting during epidural anesthesia for cesarean section Pinheiro M.R.S, Ceccarelli M.J.N.B., Castro L.F.L, Megale A.M.S, Eugenia A.G.B. Scientific Article
Epidural morphine: postoperative analgesia Rocha Reis M.G., Ramos D, Maciel C, Massada S Scientific Article
Effect of meperidine, morphine, nalbuphine, fentanyl, and dipyrone on operative shivering Imbeloni L.E., Santos J.M.M., Santos M. Scientific Article
Blind nasotracheal intubation with ketamine induction. Primavesi A.B. Scientific Article
Tunnelized epidural catheter morphine analgesic in chronic pain treatment. Clinicai triais. lmbeloni L.E. Scientific Article
Cerebral embolism by radial artery catheter irrigation. Maranhão M.V.M., Coelho V.V., Monteiro L, lvo C.M.A., Maranhão M.H.C. Scientific Article

Clinical Informations

Etomidate in anesthesia for cardioversion . Spiegel P, Gonçalves B.M. V, Rocha B A Clinical Informations
Anesthesia in the hypertensive patient. A prospective study. Pereira J.B., François L.M.G., Feldman C.J. Clinical Informations
Study of anesthesiology in school of medicine. Nocite J.R., Serzedo P.S.M., Siqueira C.A.C. Clinical Informations
lntercostal posterior block by singular injection. Nocite J.R., Zuccolotto S.N., Serzedo P.S.M., Siqueira C.A.C. Clinical Informations

Special Article

Ensino de Anestesiologia nas Escolas Médicas Geretto P. Special Article


Bloqueio lntercostal Posterior com Injeção Única Abrão J., lwace T., Manhães W.L., Abrão A., Vieira H.A.V., Martins C.A.C. Miscellaneous

Letter to the Editor

Effects of etomidate on the auditory brainstem evoked potentials in rats. Maria P.B. Simonetti Letter to the Editor
Circadian variations of amide-type local anesthetics convulsant and antianticonvulsant activities. M.A. Gouveia, G.M. Labrunie, N. Treiger Letter to the Editor

Braz J Anesthesiol

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