Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 74, Issue 2, 2024

74(2), 2024

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High-flow nasal therapy: a game-changer in anesthesia and perioperative medicine? Desire T. Maioli, Cristiano F. Andrade, Clovis T. Bevilacqua Filho, André P. Schmidt Editorial
Perioperative organ dysfunction: a burden to be countered Ricardo Esper Treml, Henrique Tadashi Katayama, Tulio Caldonazo, Talison Silas Pereira, Luiz M. Sá Malbouisson, Maria José C. Carmona, Pedro Tanaka, João Manoel Silva Jr. Editorial

Original Investigation
The brief measure of preoperative emotional stress screens preoperative maladaptive psychological features and predicts postoperative opioid use: an observational study Rogério Boff Borges, Wolnei Caumo, Caroline Bavaresco, Luciana Paula Cadore Stefani, Vinicius Souza dos Santos, Stela Maris de Jezus Castro Original Investigation
Accuracy of closed-loop and open-loop propofol delivery systems by bispectral index monitoring in breast surgery patients: a prospective randomized trial Tian Xie, Yong Wang, Yuhua Liu, Junjie Li, Weijing Li, Hongmeng Xu Original Investigation
Metoprolol for prevention of bucking at orotracheal extubation: a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial Murilo Neves de Queiroz, Fabrício Tavares Mendonça, Maurício Vargas de Matos, Rafael Santos Lino, Luiz Sérgio Fernandes de Carvalho Original Investigation
Assessment of the learning curve of peribulbar blocks using the Learning-Curve Cumulative Sum Method (LC-CUSUM): An observational study Getúlio Rodrigues de Oliveira Filho, Victor Medeiros Benincá Original Investigation
Methylene blue as an adjuvant during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an experimental study in rats Marcelo Souza Xavier, Matheus F. Vane, Roberta F. Vieira, Cristiano C. Oliveira, Debora R.R. Maia, Leticia U.C. de Castro, Maria José Carvalho Carmona, José Otávio Costa Auler Jr., Denise Aya Otsuki Original Investigation
Association between preoperative anemia optimization and major complications after non-cardiac surgery: a retrospective analysis Federico Almonacid-Cardenas, Eva Rivas, Moises Auron, Lucille Hu, Dong Wang, Liu Liu, Deborah Tolich, Edward J. Mascha, Kurt Ruetzler, Andrea Kurz, Alparslan Turan Original Investigation
Assessment of the components of fluid balance in patients with septic shock: a prospective observational study Maria Aparecida de Souza, Fernando José da Silva Ramos, Bianca Silva Svicero, Nathaly Fonseca Nunes, Rodrigo Camillo Cunha, Flavia Ribeiro Machado, Flavio Geraldo Rezende de Freitas Original Investigation

Narrative Review
Improving perioperative care in low-resource settings with goal-directed therapy: a narrative review Suzana Margareth Lobo, João Manoel da Silva Junior, Luiz Marcelo Malbouisson Narrative Review

Systematic Review
Infraclavicular versus costoclavicular approaches to ultrasound-guided brachial plexus block: a systematic review and meta-analysis Sara Texeira Amaral, Rafael Lombardi, Natalia Drabovski, Jeff Gadsden Systematic Review

Clinical Images
Sizing double-lumen tubes by direct measurement of the mainstem bronchus Anthony M.-H. Ho, Gregory Klar, Andrew D. Chung, Glenio B. Mizubuti Clinical Images

Letter to the Editor
Primary ciliary dyskinesia: a case of complete Kartagener's syndrome in a patient undergoing cesarean section Paula Daniele Lopes da Costa, Thaiza Oliveira Marinho, Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo, Paulo do Nascimento Junior Letter to the Editor
Retrospective analysis of 20 years of activity of the Brazilian malignant hyperthermia hotline service Cezar D.S. Souza, Clea S. Almeida, Pamela V. Andrade, Joilson M. Santos, José L.G. Amaral, Helga C.A. Silva Letter to the Editor

Braz J Anesthesiol

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