Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
4th May, 2020

SBA and BJAN committed with the scientific knowledge about COVID-19

Since the beginning of the health crisis, in the first half of last March, the worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology (SBA) is committed with creating materials, classes and discussions to clarify the health professional regarding COVID-19. 

Always backed up by science and with the support of great specialists in the field, SBA provides to associates and anesthesiologists in general one of the most important weapons right now: information. Accessing SBA’s Coronavirus website you can access a rich content about the pandemic. Ebooks, classes, tutorials, recommendations, and security strategies are part of the material that can be found on the website.

The Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (BJAN), SBA’s official journal, is also commited to publish and disseminate articles about COVID-19, as well as the BJANcast that had COVID-19 pandemic as theme. BJAN's main staff and scientific articles will also be a part of  the journal's pages. BJAN 70(2) will focus in the theme after an effort to gather researchers and Anesthesiologists to debate on the topic.


Especial Coronavirus - Coronavirus Special

O Anestesiologista e a COVID-19 - Anesthesiologist and COVID-19

Recomendações para Ressuscitação Cardipulmorar (RCP) de pacientes diagnosticados ou com suspeita de COVID-19 - Recommendations for Cardipulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) of patients diagnosed or suspected of having COVID-19

BJANcast 7 - COVID-19: A Comissão de enfrentamento da SBA - COVID- 19: Committee against Coronavirus 

COVID-19 e Anestesia em pediatria - COVID-19 and pediatric anesthesia

Read the articles Online First:

Spinal anesthesia in COVID-19 patients, more research is needed

Management of CO2 absorbent while using the anesthesia machine as a mechanical ventilator on patients with COVID-19

The paradox of COVID-19 and pediatric anesthesiology: opinion of the Pediatric Anesthesia Committee of the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology

Prone positioning in management of COVID-19 hospitalized patients

Recommendations for local-regional anesthesia during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pituitary tumor resection in a patient with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection. A case report and suggested airway management guidelines

Braz J Anesthesiol

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